“Chakra” means “wheel”. There are seven primary Chakras, “spinning” energy-wheels, that act as pathways between the physical and the subtle realms. The Chakras are located from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, within our subtle body. The purification and balancing of the Chakras is considered a necessity for spiritual transformation. The Chakras are also referred to in ancient Ayurvedic texts that recognise their importance on the journey towards physical health. More recently, there are suggestions of their correlation with the Endocrine system, the Vagus nerve and electro-magnetic “fields”. Emotional, mental, physical, energetic and environmental stressors all affect the balance of our Chakras. The unblocking, balancing and aligning of our Chakras are vital for our emotional and physical transformation and wellbeing.


The first Chakra, Muladhara, is considered as the life-force Chakra and home of the Kundalini Shakti. Located at the perineum, at the base of our spine, Muladhara can be translated as “the root foundation” and is associated with the element Earth, our survival instinct, groundedness, our connection to Mother Earth, relaxation, libido, material stability, and primordial trust. When balanced, it moves through all the other energy centres to support our physical, material and spiritual development. An imbalanced first Chakra, results in extreme ego-centrism or deep anxiety and a fear of life. Alignment of our first Chakra is vital for our cellular health, equilibrium and structure to thrive in life.

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The second Chakra, Svadhisthana, is considered as the creative and sexual Chakra. Located above the pubic bone and below the navel, encompassing the genital region, Svadhisthana can be translated as “the dwelling place of the self” and is associated with the element Water, our creative flow, sacred sexuality, fertility, emotional balance and joy. When balanced, we experience creativity, passion, optimism, sensuality, adapt-ability and wholesome pleasure. An imbalanced second Chakra results in emotional instability, fear of change, sexual dysfunction/addiction, depression, and creative blockages. Alignment of our second Chakra is vital for deep fortification and lubrication to strengthen our sensual and creative flow.

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The third Chakra, Manipura, is considered as the identity and personal power Chakra. Located above the navel around the solar plexus, Manipura can be translated as “the place of the jewel” and is associated with the element of Fire and the sun. It is the seat of our will power, determination and our identity in the world. It is the radiant seat of manifestation. When balanced, we experience confidence, integrity, enthusiasm, determination and a healthy digestive system. An imbalanced third Chakra results in low self-esteem and a sense of powerlessness or the opposite: controlling, power hungry and quick to anger. Digestive issues, fatigue, liver or kidney problems and a compromised immune system are all associated with an imbalanced third Chakra. Alignment of our third Chakra is vital for self-esteem, benevolent leadership, charisma, a healthy immune system, revitalisation, and drive.

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The fourth Chakra, Anahata, is considered as the love and unity Chakra. Located in the middle of the chest, the heart-centre, Anahata can be translated as “unhurt”, signifying the divine gift of a whole and untainted heart we are all endowed with. It is associated with the element Air, love, relationship, connection, purity, harmony, forgiveness and compassion. When balanced, we experience expansiveness, bliss, unconditional love, reciprocity, peace and healthy cardiovascular functions.

An imbalanced fourth Chakra results in grief, jealousy, self/other hatred, fear from lack of trust. It can manifest as heart conditions, respiratory problems and upper back pain. Alignment of our fourth Chakra is vital for love, empathy, tolerance, surrender, a healthy heart, a healthy immune system and protection from premature ageing.

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The fifth Chakra, Vishuddha, is considered as the authenticity and communication Chakra. Located at the throat, Vishuddha can be translated as “especially pure”. It is associated with the element Ether, communication, authenticity and purification. When balanced, we experience easy, open and kind communication, learning and wisdom and healthy thyroid function. An imbalanced fifth Chakra results in the inability to express oneself, secretiveness, inauthentic or excessive talking, being overly critical, harshness, loudness, thyroid issues, stiff neck/jaw and sore throat. Alignment of our fifth Chakra is vital for freedom from dis-ease, detoxification, processing experiences into wisdom, purification and expression of our Higher Self.

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The sixth Chakra, Ajna, is considered as the intellect, intuition and guru Chakra. Located on the forehead between the brows, Ajna can be translated as “command/authority”. It is associated with Light, representing illumination, insight and perception. When balanced, we experience high intuition, receive Divine Wisdom, are imaginative, clear and focused. An imbalanced sixth Chakra results in poor intuition, lack of concentration, depression, obsession, headaches, nightmares and impaired judgement. Alignment of our sixth Chakra is vital for perception, cognitive clarity, memory and attunement with Divine Instruction.

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The seventh Chakra, Sahasrara, is considered as the pure consciousness Chakra, the gateway to the Divine realms. Located at the crown of the head, Sahasrara can be translated as “infinity”. It is associated with the supreme Void in which infinite levels of consciousness can be realised. When balanced, we experience transcendence, selflessness, union, conscious awareness, the oneness of life, universal love and an overall sense of wellbeing, as it controls every aspect of the body and mind. An imbalanced seventh Chakra results in a sense of disconnectedness, excessive materialism, physical exhaustion, hyper-sensitivity to light and sound, mental disorders, apathy and poor sleep. Alignment of our seventh Chakra is vital for true spiritual awareness, mental prowess, divinely inspired wisdom, strong faith and universal Love.

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